What You Can Do - S.A.F.E.

Stop the abuse by removing yourself and your children

Ask for help from police, social services, friends, neighbours

Find safe shelter

Educate yourself on what you can do, not on what you can’t

Why do we tolerate it?

If you believe you are essentially unworthy, domestic abuse will be normalised in your mind and tolerated in your life. Until we address the wounds behind this belief, we tend to remain in the cycle of hurt, worthlessness and abuse.

The first step is to remove yourself and children from danger. Because most people equate domestic abuse with severe physical violence, those suffering from the myriad of other expressions of domestic abuse may feel they have no right to seek help and remain silent. Never remain silent about abuse; whether it is physical, emotional, mental, spiritual or sexual. Speak to those who can help you. A number of contacts in our Resources section.

Abuse is abuse and there is no excuse.


When you know your value, you will not throw or give away your heart to just anyone who cons and manipulates well enough to obtain it. Reclaiming your inherent value is essential and will entail time. Your value is in being loved by God, being precious, so unique no one else will nor has ever had the same thumbprint as you; fearfully and wonderfully made. Your value in not in gaining the approval of a man, no matter how much he claims otherwise .

Value Beyond Measure

It does not matter if the acceptance of abuse stemmed from childhood trauma or originated as an adult; normalising abuse is the master plan of abusers. No matter how strong, how educated, how bright, how beautiful, how resilient, living in domestic abuse, makes one begin to believe the lie…..I deserve to be abused.

No Band-Aids

Domestic abuse cannot be cured or fixed by Band-Aids. It is a complex social issue that requires intensive support, time and a willingness for lasting change. Abusive relationships don’t become that way, they start that way; so that you are trying to fix something that never was healthy. The dynamics are enmeshed and not easily disentangled.