For many in the community who have suffered domestic abuse, the Church and Christians have been little or no help. This sometimes is evidenced by seeming indifference, genuine discomfort and an inability or unwillingness to address the crisis effectively. This by no means excuses a lack of compassion and/or involvement due to poor training, self-centeredness or turning a blind eye. On behalf of the Christian community, I apologize profusely to anyone who has been impacted adversely, as I too have suffered not only domestic abuse as a Christian and a minister, but also the ignorance, indifference and inaction by Christians.

Dear women, forgive us, is all I can plead; for although Christians fail time and again to represent the one they say they belong to, please know that does not change the nature or mercy of GOD who said whatever we do to the least of these we do to HIM.

Christian women, suffering domestic abuse, also have been ignored and dismissed for years by the very Church/Community they believed would protect them; having scriptures twisted to support the abuser and being blamed, ridiculed and sent back to further violence and abuse under an alleged Christian banner. The wake of such advice and lack of support has led to some women dying either by the hands of the abuser or by their own hands; or having been reduced to constant trauma and mental illness. In other cases children have become the primary victims both physically, sexually and emotionally of such indifference. There never is an excuse for abuse and neither is there any excuse for denying or ignoring this social crisis.

In the following pages of this website, domestic abuse is described in detail from its mechanics, to the recovery process. I have worked in a professional and personal capacity with a number of other women who have suffered domestic abuse; and this along with my own experience of domestic abuse, education, research and much prayer has urged me to compile a resource to those suffering currently or who have fled such circumstances. In closing, please never believe you deserve domestic abuse and always believe Love is not Abuse!